‘Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment’

The past ten months has contained many transformational changes for me, setting me off on a new path of healing, rejuvenation and restoration. 

Along with the gift of The Sweat Life, allowing me to continue to teach the Bikram Method, and interact in a more personal way, not only within the physical practice and development of those of you joining me on the mat, but, it is also allowing me to become so much more familiar with the stories and attention each of you bring to your practice to initiate the healing you require, which has been really special for me as a teacher.

I have also made the decision to go back to school… three weeks ago today to add another string to my bow in exploring the meaningful quest in health and wellness. So… this is me much of the time lately as I study the next 12 months to get a new Diploma, which is really exciting!

I believe in the law of attraction, and that we can regenerate into who we want to be. It is the art of attention, and if we put our vision out there, along with the work in making mindful decisions geared towards achieving inspiration… life has a way of navigating us in the direction we want to go. You can’t go back in time, but you can make choices for the future, and although I still go through times of uncertainty, and fear, I am now enjoying a little more this process of change, rather than being scared of it and feel so fortunate to still be doing the things that I love, and being able to share that everyday.

- Kate Lillian Burford - 


Spring ‘a time to bloom’


Integrating yoga into your fitness regime